This is for anyone whose LinkedIn feed is bombarded with "I'm happy to announce..." posts. It's great to celebrate your peers, but seeing accomplishment after accomplishment can become mentally draining. We instinctively compare ourselves to other people, even if they have completely different backgrounds, opportunities, and more. However, if we spend so much time thinking about other people, we can't focus on ourselves. Here's how we can deal with that.

👌 Know that comparison is completely normal.

Comparison is completely normal, and there is nothing wrong with you for doing it. Everybody has insecurities, regardless of how well they're hidden. Acknowledge that you do compare yourself to others, but also that you are perfectly capable and outstanding in your own right.

✂️ Disconnect.

Take a break from the causes of your comparison. If you find yourself browsing Instagram, Youtube or LinkedIn, looking at others' appearances, lifestyles, and accomplishments, set a screen-time limit, unfollow individuals or avoid going on these platforms altogether. Often times, only the best version of each person is presented online, so don't compare somebody's external appearance to your reality.

👀 Take a third-person perspective.

It's easy to be hypercritical of yourself because you've become accustomed to your accomplishments, and are most familiar with your flaws. Take a step back and reevaluate yourself from the perspective of a friend. Even if your friends may not be perfect, you still love them for all of their amazing qualities. Similarly, remember the parts of yourself you appreciate, instead of focusing on the parts that you don't.

❔ Question "Why?"

Ask why you wish to be like someone else. Is it to satisfy an arbitrary idea of "success?" Is it because attaining something might make you happier about yourself? Identify the root cause of your insecurities and decide whether it is something you truly care about, or just external pressure.

⏰ Remember it's never too late.

It's never too late to seek opportunities, or even create them for yourself. Instead of saying you "should have ____," say you "will ______," and act accordingly.

🔃 Turn comparison into inspiration.

Instead of asking, "Why can't I be as successful as somebody else?", ask "How can I learn from this person's success?" You can take inspiration from somebody's journey and apply those lessons to your own.

However, remember that you don't need to have the same accomplishments and qualities as somebody else to love yourself.

⏮️ Compare to your past self.

When comparing yourself to others, you may forget how far you've already come. Think about how you've grown from a year or even a month ago. Growth doesn't just come in the form of numbers or titles; it can also come from developing your interests, finding a new outlook on life, or learning a new skill.