Original LinkedIn Post

99% of LinkedIn users don't create content. Here are 5 reasons why you should start.

🌟 You'll develop a personal brand.

Your personal brand is the way others perceive you. It includes your unique skills, experiences, and personality — qualities that go beyond a resume. Effective branding allows you to gain others' trust & stand out from the crowd.

🖇️ You'll grow your network organically.

Sharing your story will help others connect with you on a human level. People will reach out to you not just because of your cool resume, but also because you're an interesting person. Those people will be the most passionate about supporting you.

You'll also have the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with friends and mentors!

🏹 Opportunities will find you — not just the other way around.

While others might be getting lost in a resume stack, you're making yourself stand out with your personal brand. When people are in need of a new employee, speaker, interviewee, etc., they'll think of you.

💡 Spark conversations about topics that matter to you.

What areas do you have experience in? Is there anything you wished people talked about more? For me, it's failure. On LinkedIn, I mostly see stories of success, but few about the flip side. So, I created the content I wanted to see, and others began sharing their stories in the comments.

✨ Providing value is rewarding.

Simply put, helping others feels great! It gives you a sense of purpose. Sharing your insights is a fantastic, easy way to provide value.

Because of my content, I've landed paid opportunities, speaking engagements & more. In fact, I even got a message from LinkedIn's COO.

So, what are you waiting for? Start creating content. You got this.

<aside> 💡 Need any help getting started? Feel free to message me on LinkedIn for advice.
